2011年12月毕业于武汉理工大学,获得环境工程专业硕士学位。2012年1月-2012年9月,在河南冶金设计研究院工作。2014年8月,获得韩国全北国立大学(Chonbuk national university)光电信息科学与工程专业硕士学位;2017年8月,获得韩国全北国立大学光电信息科学与工程专业博士学位。研究方向为自适应光子器件,其中包括:液体/液晶光开关和透镜,用于可切换2D/3D显示的微透镜阵列,偏振转换器,可变光衰减器,光栅等;在国内外公开发表论文14篇,以第一作者身份发表8篇SCI论文, 获授权发明专利1项,参加6次国际会议,其中2次做学术报告(分别在英国、美国)。
主要承担课程:《电子测量技术》 、《电子与通信专业英语》等
1. X. Wang, M. Xu, H. Ren, and Q. Wang, “A polarization converter array using a twisted-azimuthal liquid crystal in cylindrical polymer cavities,” Opt. Express, 21(13), 16222-16230 (2013)
2. X. Wang, M. Xu, and H. Ren, “Polarization converting textures of nematic liquid crystal in glass cavities,” J. Appl. Phys., 115, 023111 (2014)
3. X. Wang, H. Ren, and C. Nah, “Linearly to radially polarized light conversion and tight focus,” J. Appl. Phys. 117, 243101 (2015).
4. M. Xu, X. Wang, B. Jin and H. Ren, “Infrared optical switch using a movable liquid droplet,” Micromach., 6(2),186-195 (2015)
5. M. Xu, X. Wang, and H. Ren, “Tunable focus liquid lens with radial-patterned electrode,” Micromach., 6(8), 1157-1165 (2015).
6. X. Wang, H. Ren, and Q. Wang, “Polymer network liquid crystal (PNLC) lenticular microlens array with no surface treatment,” J. Disp. Technol., 12(8), 773-778(2016).
7. X. Wang, G. Zhang, and H. Ren, “Large-Area optical switch using surface-expandable liquid droplets,” J. Disp. Technol., 12(12), 1565-1569(2016).
8. X. Wang, K. Huang, and H. Ren, “Hysteresis of liquid-based optical switch,” Opt. Eng., 56(5), 057103 (2017)
9. X. Wang, Z. Zhou, and H. Ren, “Optical attenuation at 1.55μm using shape-deformable dielectric liquids”, J. Phys. Commun., 2, 085026(2018)
10. X. Wang, H. Ren, “Switchable-focus lenticular microlens array (LMA),” Proc. SPIE 10125, 101250J (2017)
11. X. Wang, G. Zhang, H. Ren. P-141: A Large-Area Optical Switch Using Surface-Expandable Liquid Droplets[J]. SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, 47(1):1649-1652, (2016)
12. M. Xu, X. Wang, H. Ren, 51.4: “Dielectric Force Induced Liquid Crystal Lenticular Microlenses.” SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, 45(1):747-749 (2015)
13. X. Wang, G. Mei, C. Zhao, Y. Lei. “Recovery of rare earths from spent fluorescent lamps,” IEEE, 1–4 (2011).
14. 涂雅洁,王霞辉,梅光军,卢可可和翁孝卿, “从废弃稀土荧光粉中萃取分离Y 和Eu,” 现代矿业, 28(8), 29-31 (2012)
梅光军(导师),王霞辉, 曹锋;一种从废弃荧光粉中分离提纯荧光级氧化钇和氧化铕的方法,2012.1.11- 2012.2.10,中国, ZL201110298789.X. (发明专利)
1. (邀请报告) X. Wang, H. Ren, “Switchable-focus lenticular microlens array (LMA),” SPIE(Photonic west), 28 January-2 February, 2017, San Francisco, California, USA.
2. X. Wang, and H. Ren, “A large-area optical switch using surface-expandable liquid droplets,” SID, 22-27 May, 2016, San Francisco, California, USA.
3. (口头报告) X. Wang, M. Xu, and H. Ren, “Lenticular microlens array based on polymer network liquid crystals,” ECLC, 7-11 September, 2015, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.
4. X. Wang, H. Ren, “Alignments of liquid crystal in glass cavities,” IMID, 28-31 August, 2014, Daegu, Korea
5. M. Xu, X. Wang, and H. Ren, “Dielectric force induced liquid crystal lenticular microlenses,” SID 1-6 June, 2014, San Diego, California, USA.
6. X. Wang, G. Mei, C. Zhao, Y. Lei, “Recovery of rare earths from Spent Fluorescent Lamps,” EPPH, 13-15 May, 2011, Wuhan, Hubei, China